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Accounting articles

Plus, changes branding to just ‘Bill’; AltExchange releases Tax Center solution for alternative investments; and other news and updates from the accounting technology world. One of the most common ways firms engage employees is by helping them support the causes that matter to them. needs to review the security of your connection before proceeding. Only articles that you have access rights to view will be downloaded.

Alaska LLC: A 5-Step Formation Guide – MarketWatch

Alaska LLC: A 5-Step Formation Guide.

Posted: Tue, 25 Oct 2022 07:00:00 GMT [source]

In early 2002, Pamela Pollace, vice president and director of Intel’s worldwide marketing operations, is debating whether the company should extend its… Steady, predictable growth is what every big company strives for, and what investors prize above all else.

Some firms focus on a specific accounting specialization. Should I consider a niche accounting service?

The geeky accountant who does nothing but hammer away on his adding machine is virtually a thing of the past. These days, accounting is a very team-oriented profession. Expect to start as a junior accountant before you can work your way up. Although accountants work nine-to-five, they may work longer hours during busy periods. Tara Struyk is the VP of content at Janalta Interactive, with 10+ years of experience as an editor and content manager for online publications. The GAO audits and evaluates Government programs and activities. Site links to reports, testimony, decisions, opinions, and guidebooks.

  • And while an online presence won’t guarantee an increase in exposure, not having one can have a negative impact and can discredit you to a potential client.
  • Data Warehouse Transform all your data into business intelligence for greater insights and faster decisions.
  • With so many financial publications and websites out there today, it’s often hard to know which ones are must-reads and which ones are not.
  • The expertise and skill you bring to service are of more importance than just an hour of work for clients.
  • To maximize your success, avoid these blunders at all costs.

If you want a career in accounting, T Accounts may be your new best friend. The T Account is a visual representation of individual accounts in the form of a “T,” making it so that all additions and subtractions to the account can be easily tracked and represented… The offers that appear in this table are from partnerships from which Investopedia receives compensation.

SEC fines telecom Pareteum $500K for overstating revenue

Business Strategy Set your business up for success, then make moves that maximize opportunities. Commerce Make your ecommerce operation profitable and your customer experience engaging. Data Warehouse Transform all your data into business intelligence for greater insights and faster decisions.

  • This means focusing on solid business practices and looking for ways to ensure both stability and growth.
  • The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants is a U.S. non-profit professional organization of certified public accountants .
  • For the most part, it’s easier to train accounting knowledge than it is to build customer service skills.
  • Plus, changes branding to just ‘Bill’; AltExchange releases Tax Center solution for alternative investments; and other news and updates from the accounting technology world.
  • From new lease accounting rules to the dark side of accounting expertise, from defining free cash flow to the new revenue recognition standard, here are CFO editors’ picks for the 11 best accounting articles of 2018.
  • Partnering with more generalist firms can help take on other needs from clients while you take only the niche side of their business.

Our solutions for regulated financial departments and institutions help customers meet their obligations to external regulators. We specialize in unifying and optimizing processes to deliver a real-time and accurate view of your financial position.


Ctrip is a $437 million Chinese on-line travel services company with a scientific, data driven approach to management. Plus Right Networks and Tax Rep Network partner to launch educational resources; and other news from the accounting technology world. ‘Latest articles’ are articles accepted for publication in this journal but not yet published in a volume/issue. Articles are removed from the ‘Latest articles’ list when they are published in a volume/issue. Latest articles are citable using the author, year of online publication, article title, journal and article DOI.

Accounting articles

The green tick and orange padlock icons indicates that you have full access. The European Union recently hit Apple with a $14.5 billion tax bill, but that’s hardly the first or worst financial challenge the technology giant has faced. Mihir Desai explains the financial wiring behind the inventors of the iPhone.Open for comment; 0 Comments. RER changes have different impacts depending on the export and import orientation of regions and the prevalence of credit constraints. Effects are non-linear and asymmetric, suggesting that the link between RER changes and macroeconomic performance might be much more nuanced than usually thought. The cost of healthcare in rural Haiti was found to vary widely, even inside the same health organization.

Many CPAs make a practice of “writing down” certain services because they know their hourly rate for larger projects can quickly become untenable for a client. Not only is this seen as a discount by the client, but it also allows you to create a fixed-fee structure for your services and show the clients the savings and value they receive. When determining a fee structure, many accountants call other firms and ask for quotes. They use the average of those quotes to determine a fair and competitive price for their services. The expertise and skill you bring to service are of more importance than just an hour of work for clients. Pricing your abilities based on knowledge is not only good for your business but is ultimately valuable for your clients as well.

Ways to Automate Your Business for Growth

This paper seeks to understand and provide evidence on the characteristics of emerging accounting standards for sustainability information. The most comprehensive information windows that firms provide to the markets—in the form of their mandated annual and quarterly filings—have changed dramatically over time, becoming significantly longer and more complex. When firms break from their routine phrasing and content, this action contains rich information for future firm stock returns and outcomes. Although there is growing interest in environmental, social, and governance measurement, the impact of company operations is emphasized over product use. However, it’s important to remember that you have to target businesses where you have the right location and the right skills.

This goes beyond starting a business and hoping people show up. Look for ways to partner with other companies and firms, as well as networking opportunities in the community. Whichever structure you choose at the beginning, know that it will likely evolve throughout the maturity of your firm. For instance, a firm might accept the risk and start as unincorporated to avoid the incorporation fees. Over time, as additional owners move into the entity structure, the firm can add additional shareholders or can reorganize as a partnership. Especially when the experience sets for an accountant is specific and narrow.

Key Construction Accounting Best Practices for Contractors

If you want to work as an accountant, you’ll need an undergraduate degree in accounting, economics, finance, or a related field. Keep in mind, though, that many junior colleges and business correspondence schools offer diplomas that may allow graduates to work as junior accountants and eventually advance with experience. U.S. and international news, company information, and market data. Articles from newspapers, trade publications, magazines, and scholarly journals on all aspects of business. Features SWOT Analyses and industry profiles from MarketLine; country reports. An internal whistleblower exposed a scheme by three executives of a Chicago-area engine manufacturer to improperly inflate revenue and cover their tracks by lying to company accountants and independent counsel.

  • You are providing a service to your clients, but you’re also giving them a value based on your credentials and experience.
  • However, there are certain liability protections by becoming an LLC, including limiting risk for your business.
  • And while there are accounting-specific requirements, it’s important to remember that you’re starting a business first.
  • Generally speaking, the earlier revenue is recognized, it is said…
  • Canadian cannabis company Cronos Group and its former chief commercial officer each avoided fines in reaching settlements with the Securities and Exchange Commission over alleged accounting fraud.
  • A recent CW Webcast, sponsored by BlackLine and recapped here, discusses how automation can create a more efficient and effective approach to your accounting process.
  • Luckily, accounting firms don’t need a physical space to operate successfully.

So, the simple answer to the question is, yes—many accountants can and do work from a home office. An accounting firm can do almost everything a CPA firm can do with one exception – audits and assurance services. So, if that is a part of your goals or your target market, then it’s probably wise to think about the steps needed to become a CPA. Integrated software and services for tax and accounting professionals. Accounting is the method of processing and recording financial information on behalf of a business. Learning the concept of accounting is a must if you want to become a financial analyst or an investment banker.

In most cases, a website is static and allows businesses to transmit basic, evergreen information such as phone number, services provided, and credentials. Social media, on the other hand, can drive business in a longer and more indirect fashion. Finding the best business structure for your accounting firm is a critical part of not only ensuring success but helping to minimize both your tax burden and your risk. Every year it gets harder and harder to operate a seasonal accounting business, especially if you’re looking to offer a variety of services. Unless you’re doing just cookie-cutter tax prep – and you avoid complex returns – you won’t be able to operate on a seasonal basis. That said, prioritizing the season and maximizing your efficiency during the heavy times is critical to finding success. As you build your client list, keeping costs low is a priority.

Accounting articles

However, if you are looking to focus on the multitude of other services accounting firms provide, it’s likely not a necessary credential to start. And while there are certain state-by-state exceptions about Accounting articles what can and cannot be undertaken by a CPA, they are not a requirement for starting an accounting firm. In an accounting career, journal entries are by far one of the most important skills to master.

If you can fill them, then you have a specialization that is highly valuable to that market. Services based niches as opposed to manufacturing-based are also on the rise. For example, real estate professionals, landscapers, and farming clients are becoming a more prosperous and unique way to do business. Partnering with more generalist firms can help take on other needs from clients while you take only the niche side of their business.


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